Moving and Handling Practical Training

We believe that for care givers to understand how their clients feel when they are performing certain tasks, they need to be on the receiving end (i.e being transferred from bed to chair using a hoist).


Training courses

  • Medication Level 2​

    MCA Level 2​

    The role of a Senior carer​

    Personal development​

    Person centred care​

    Effective Communication​

    Health and Safety for Seniors​

    Complaints handling​

    Conflict and resolution​

    Role of shift leader​

    Constructing a care plan​

    Training and supervising new staff​

    Sharing of information with family and relatives


  • What is Autism?

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’s (ADHD), Anxiety and Depression in relation to Autism.

    How does it affect an individual?

    Cure or treatment?

    Communication Therapy.

    Behaviour Therapy.

  • Definitions of behaviours of concern

    Continuum of aggression

    Contributing factors to behaviours of concern

    What is a trigger?

    Recognising triggers and build-up of anxiety

    How to address behaviours of concern and positive behaviour management

    Communication skills covering both verbal and non-verbal

    Planning, help and support systems

    How to resolve conflict and de-escalate situations

    Importance of debrief

  • Note: this training includes practical

    Differences between supra-pubic & urethral catheters

    Advantages/disadvantages of urinary catheters

    Reasons for catheterisation

    Male/female anatomy

    Aseptic technique

    Male urethal catheterisation procedure

    Female utethal catheterisation procedure

    Supra-pubic catheterisation procedure

    Post procedure catheter positioning

    Post procedure check list

    Importance of record keeping

  • DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards), MCA (Mental Capacity Assessment), Best Interest (BI)​

    Health and Safety / COSSH and RIDDOR​

    Infection Control and Food Hygiene​

    Moving and Handling Theory​

    Challenging Behaviour​

    Duty of care and Person Centred Care​ (Lone working)

    Basic Life Support​

    Fire Safety​

    Equality and Diversity​

    Mental Health​

    Conflict and resolution (including ​complaints handling)​


  • What is a substance hazardous to health and where do they exist?

    Common hazardous substances, ill-health, Health and Safety Executive statistics and benefits of COSHH.

    The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002,

    Enforcement of the law, employer and employee responsibilities.

    Common health hazards.

    The occupations most at risk, routes of entry, dermatitis, asthma.

    What to do if you develop symptoms and RIDDOR.

    Identifying Hazardous Substances

    COSHH Risk Assessment and Control Measures

  • What is Dementia?

    Types of Dementia.

    Signs and symptoms.

    Problems associated and management of Dementia.

    How Alzheimer's and Downs 'Syndrome link.

    What is Person Centred Care?

    Importance of Person Centred Care

    What is meant by having someone’s best interests at heart and doing what you can to maintain or improve their well-being

  • What is depression?

    Types of depression.

    Signs and symptoms of Depression.

    What is Self-Harming?

    Signs of Self-Harming.

    What form of help can an individual seek?


    Importance of Support groups.

    Rehabilitation centres

  • What is Diabetes Mellitus?​

    Common symptoms of undiagnosed Diabetes Mellitus.​

    Type 1​

    Type 2​

    Gestational ​

    Management ​

    Differences between Hypoglycaemia and Hyperglycaemia​

    How to recognise and help a Hypoglycaemic individual.

    How to recognise and help a Hypoglycaemic individual.

  • Note: this training includes practical

    The Law relating to First Aid

    Unconsciousness (including seizure)

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

    Choking, shock, wounds and bleeding

    Minor injuries

    Spinal injuries

    Falls protocol

  • What is End of Life Care?

    Who provides this form of care?

    Importance communication

    Differences of End of Life Care and Palliative Care

    Pain management

  • Three components required to start a fire; oxygen, heat and fuel.​

    Types of fire.​

    Purpose of fire doors.​

    Evacuation procedures.​

    Who are you responsible for?​

    Types of fire extinguishers.​

    Purpose of a fire panel.​

    Employee and employer responsibility.​

    What to do in an emergency.​

  • What is awareness?

    Responsibility of First Aider

    How to report an incident (flow chart)

    Emergency call steps.

    Know where the documents (drug chart, care plan, DNACPR form if applicable).

    How to inform the Next Of Kin.

    Importance of a timeline.

    Importance of record keeping.

    What is choking?

  • What is Food Hygiene?

    Food preparation protocols.

    Who needs Food Hygiene and why is it important?

    Infection control and hand-washing.

    Importance of temperature maintenance and record keeping.

    How food becomes contaminated.

    Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).

    Honouring Religious beliefs.

  • What is a hazard?

    What is a risk assessment?

    Why do we carry out risk assessments?

    Training and competence in the workplace.

    How can health and safety information be communicated?

    Risk control hierarchy.

    Types of emergencies which could occur in the workplace.

    Responsibilities for employee and employer

  • Understand standard infection control precautions.

    Risk assessment.

    Know the importance of correct hand hygiene technique.

    What MRSA, Clostridium difficile, Norovirus are and understand their impact in healthcare.

    Know what precautions are necessary to prevent and control Health Care Associated Infections (HCAI).

  • Note: if you are booking this training you will receive individual training certificates for the following courses

    DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards), MCA (Mental Capacity Assessment), Best Interest (BI)​

    Health and Safety / COSSH

    Infection Control

    Food Hygiene​

    Moving and Handling

    Behaviours of Concern (previously known as Challenging Behaviour)

    Emergency First Aid at Work also known as Basic Life Support (Theory and practical)

    Fire Safety​


    Equality and Diversity​

    Mental Health​

    Caldecott Principles (GDPR) and Information Governance​

    Conflict and resolution (including complaints handling)

  • Why do we give medication?

    Brief introduction to:

    The Medicines Act

    The Misuse of drugs Act

    The Access to Health Records Act.

    The 8 rights (drug, client, dose, time, route, reason, document and response) to medication administration.

    Importance of data protection and record keeping.

    Types of drug errors.

    Medication routes and class.

    Controlled Drugs

  • Foundation understanding of Mental Capacity.

    Outline the five guiding principles underpinning the MCA.

    Explore how to asses and assist people to make their own decisions including making best interest decisions arising from day to day care.

    An overview of the importance of other aspects of MCA.

    What is DoLS?

    Who needs DoLS?

    Why is it important?

    Forms of restraints

  • Note: this training includes practical

    The need to apply safe move and handling practices in line with current legislation.

    Muscular – skeletal awareness, structure of the spine and the importance of correct posture when moving and handling.

    The need to assess risk before carrying out moving and handling tasks.

    How to move and handle people and objects safely.

    Effective communication.

  • Food Standards Agency

    Importance of record keeping (food chart)

    Food Hygiene and cooking methods 

    Eating regularly and times 

    The cost of poor diet

    Hydration chart

    Attitudes to foods and religions

    Importance of hand hygiene

  • Applied anatomy and physiology

    Infection control and prevention

    What is a stoma?

    Complications of a stoma

    Fitting, emptying and removing

    Privacy, dignity and respect

    Practical session

    Importance of record keeping

    Feeding (PEG)

  • What is Palliative care?

    What is a syringe driver?

    The primary aim of care when caring for an individual under at the end of their life.

    Trigger signs of declining patient.

    the legal and professional context related to death verification and certification.

    Differentiate between an expected and an unexpected death, and any particular policies or procedures related to these.

    Help and support available for staff.

    What is Bereavement.

  • Importance of legible writing.

    Importance of documentation.

    Why do we keep records and how long are they kept for?

    An outline of Data protection Act 1998.

    Who is responsible for documentation and record keeping?

    What should be documented?

    Problems encountered with hand written documents.

  • Brief discussion on how DoLS, MCA and SOVA relates.

    What is abuse?

    Types of abuse.

    F.A.I.R flowchart.

    DoLS application to unsupervised and supervised leave.

    Stages of whistle blowing.

    Importance of thinking before acting or reacting.

  • Note: this training includes practical

    Anatomy and physiology

    What causes swallowing problems?

    Issues when administering medication and alternative routes.

    Alternative routes to enable an individual to consume food: nasogastric tube and peg feed.

    Use of thickeners

    Who is S.A.L.T?


    Importance of oral care

  • Note: this training includes practical

    Blood composition

    Why do we take blood?


    Health and safety

    Anatomy and physiology

    Labelling samples

    Importance of PPE